AI+Club University of Ibadan == 1

Ernest Owojori
5 min readMar 31, 2021


The journey to leading one of the smartest groups of people on earth started with a yearning to fill a gap seen after the conclusion of the Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp 2019 by Data Science Nigeria (DSN).

In the process of learning from successful people in the world of AI, there was a section where Dr. Bayo Adekanmbi shared the next line of action by DSN towards fulfilling the goal of 1 Million AI Talents in 10 years, I was infected with the desire to be actively involved in the best way possible and in some ways I found out AI+ Club; a group of student for AI knowledge, Research and Innovation have been fully functional in University of Lagos, Obafemi Awolowo University, Federal University of Technolgy, Akure and a host of others. But guess what? This amazing system does not even exist in the Premier University, Damn!.
In the act of knowing this, I started making my findings from the community leaders I know in Ibadan (especially Mr. Ahmed Olanrewaju) to understand if there are any special reasons for not having the Club in the First and the best university(UI). Fortunately, I received an endorsement to express my interest in leading the club to DSN. Yes! I approached DSN

The aftermath of applying to be the Lead for the community of Data Science Nigeria at the University of Ibadan has been beyond imagination. We started the Club officially on Whatsapp on the 30th of March 2020 and the official Twitter (@dsn_ui) handle for the club was created.

Whatsapp Analytics

In preparation for this august occasion, we did some analysis of our WhatsApp and Twitter community engagement. About 15039 thousand messages have been sent to the group within the 30th of March 2020 and 15th of February when this analysis was carried out with about 898 media contents.

As shown in the image above, the most active participant in the group is Ernest Owojori (Lead) with about 3775 messages sent followed by Israel Odeajo (deputy Lead).

From the analysis, the most active time on the group is 9 pm with a total of 1182 messages sent at this time, the second most active hour on the group is 8 pm with a total of 1138 messages.

The most active month happens to be October with a total of 2563 messages, while the most active day of the month was the 10th, the most active day of the week was Tuesday followed by Friday.

Furthermore, between the day of creation of the group and the day the analysis was performed are 322 days, of the 322 days there were 8 days of no recorded messages at all ( i.e the group had no chat on these 8 days), of the 314 days of active chat record, the day with the most number of messages sent to the group was on 2020–10–20; this happens to be the day of DSN 2020 Bootcamp opening ceremony. The second day with the most number of recorded messages was on the 2020–03–30; which happens to be the day the group was created.

The word cloud shows the most frequently used words in the WhatsApp group as above.

Twitter Analytics

Twitter data for the club’s handle and was analyzed as below

This shows the trend plot of the Likes for the post made via the handle. The highest was in the month of May 2020, between August and September 2020, and around October has more likes.

In the same way with the Likes, there were more retweets in May 2020 and some consistent likes around July.


From the heatmap correlation plot above, we could see that there is a high and positive correlation of 0.83 between Likes and retweets, same with likes and replies with 0.75 correlations. The retweets to post are positively correlated to replies but with a 0.52 correlation (r). On the contrary, the length of tweets is seen not to correlate to its reply.

The graph above shows the sentiments of the tweets and it can be seen that there are more neutral tweets and positive tweets while a very small proportion is seen to be negative. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

A big shout out to the amazing folks that collaborated to prepare this analysis
@israelodeajo @ayobamikomolafe @olamideadesoba.

The club would not have been in existence without the effort of the team behind it.
@israelodeajo (Co-lead)

Adeyinka J. Oresanya Ayodele Awokoya

@ahmedolanrewaju and many others. I love you all!



Ernest Owojori

Product Manager | Data Analyst | Statistician | Community Manager